<null> as WSUS server name
(too old to reply)
2009-10-16 07:54:20 UTC

We have a WSUS 3 server serving 60 clients. Everything is working fine,
except: One of these clients have not reported for a couple of weeks.
I did a:

wuauclt /resetauthorization /detectnow

.. on the client, but to no avail.

Furthermore I did:

net stop wuauserv
"HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate" /v
AccountDomainSid /f
"HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate" /v PingID /f
"HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate" /v
SusClientId /f

... and rebooted, but the client still doesn't report to the WSUS server,

I ran rsop.msc on the client and it shows that my WSUS GPO is properly
applied with the correct servername.

However the windowsupdates.log file shows WSUS server name is <null>.

When I do a manual winupdate againse microsoft.com the updates are
correctly downloaded and installed.

An excerpt from the windowsupdates log file is pasted in below

Thanks for any help on this

regards jake

2009-10-16 08:58:52:834 1412 1530 Misc =========== Logging initialized
(build: 7.4.7600.226, tz: +0200) ===========
2009-10-16 08:58:52:834 1412 1530 Misc = Process:
2009-10-16 08:58:52:834 1412 1530 Misc = Module:
2009-10-16 08:58:52:834 1412 1530 Service *************
2009-10-16 08:58:52:834 1412 1530 Service ** START ** Service: Service
2009-10-16 08:58:52:834 1412 1530 Service *********
2009-10-16 08:58:52:844 1412 1530 Agent * WU client version 7.4.7600.226
2009-10-16 08:58:52:844 1412 1530 Agent * Base directory:
2009-10-16 08:58:52:844 1412 1530 Agent * Access type: No proxy
2009-10-16 08:58:52:844 1412 1530 Agent * Network state: Connected
2009-10-16 08:59:04:261 3848 f5c Misc =========== Logging initialized
(build: 7.4.7600.226, tz: +0200) ===========
2009-10-16 08:59:04:261 3848 f5c Misc = Process: C:\WINDOWS\Explorer.EXE
2009-10-16 08:59:04:261 3848 f5c Misc = Module:
2009-10-16 08:59:04:261 3848 f5c Shutdwn Install at shutdown: no updates
to install
2009-10-16 08:59:04:261 3848 f5c Shutdwn FATAL:
WUCheckForUpdatesAtShutdown failed, hr=8024A000
2009-10-16 08:59:17:810 1412 7e8 Agent *********** Agent: Initializing
Windows Update Agent ***********
2009-10-16 08:59:17:810 1412 1530 Report *********** Report:
Initializing static reporting data ***********
2009-10-16 08:59:17:810 1412 1530 Report * OS Version = 5.1.2600.3.0.65792
2009-10-16 08:59:17:810 1412 7e8 Agent *********** Agent: Initializing
global settings cache ***********
2009-10-16 08:59:17:810 1412 7e8 Agent * WSUS server: <NULL>
2009-10-16 08:59:17:810 1412 7e8 Agent * WSUS status server: <NULL>
2009-10-16 08:59:17:810 1412 7e8 Agent * Target group: (Unassigned
2009-10-16 08:59:17:810 1412 7e8 Agent * Windows Update access
disabled: No
2009-10-16 08:59:17:840 1412 7e8 DnldMgr Download manager restoring 0
2009-10-16 08:59:17:891 1412 7e8 AU ########### AU: Initializing
Automatic Updates ###########
2009-10-16 08:59:17:891 1412 7e8 AU AU setting next sqm report timeout
to 2009-10-16 06:59:17
2009-10-16 08:59:17:901 1412 7e8 AU # Approval type: Scheduled (User
2009-10-16 08:59:17:901 1412 7e8 AU # Scheduled install day/time:
Every day at 3:00
2009-10-16 08:59:17:901 1412 7e8 AU # Auto-install minor updates: Yes
(User preference)
2009-10-16 08:59:17:901 1412 7e8 Agent Switching to hardware-verified
2009-10-16 08:59:17:911 1412 7e8 AU Setting AU scheduled install time to
2009-10-17 01:00:00
2009-10-16 08:59:17:911 1412 7e8 AU Initializing featured updates
2009-10-16 08:59:17:911 1412 7e8 AU Found 0 cached featured updates
2009-10-16 08:59:18:071 1412 1530 Report * Computer Brand = IBM
2009-10-16 08:59:18:071 1412 1530 Report * Computer Model = 2887K2G
2009-10-16 08:59:18:091 1412 1530 Report * Bios Revision = 1VET64WW
(1.22 )
2009-10-16 08:59:18:091 1412 1530 Report * Bios Name = Phoenix
FirstBIOS(tm) Notebook Pro Version 2.0 for IBM ThinkPad
2009-10-16 08:59:18:091 1412 1530 Report * Bios Release Date =
2009-10-16 08:59:18:091 1412 1530 Report * Locale ID = 1044
2009-10-16 08:59:19:052 1412 7e8 Agent Created new random SusClientId
93e8a28a-c16d-48c1-970f-daf00d862d7e. Old Id:
2009-10-16 08:59:20:384 1412 7e8 AU AU finished delayed initialization
2009-10-16 08:59:20:384 1412 1530 AU #############
2009-10-16 08:59:20:384 1412 1530 AU ## START ## AU: Search for updates
2009-10-16 08:59:20:384 1412 1530 AU #########
2009-10-16 08:59:20:384 1412 1530 AU <<## SUBMITTED ## AU: Search for
updates [CallId = {EEEB7A8D-8367-456E-95E5-45450479B333}]
2009-10-16 08:59:20:384 1412 1194 Agent *************
2009-10-16 08:59:20:384 1412 1194 Agent ** START ** Agent: Finding
updates [CallerId = AutomaticUpdates]
2009-10-16 08:59:20:384 1412 1194 Agent *********
2009-10-16 08:59:20:384 1412 1194 Agent * Online = No; Ignore download
priority = No
2009-10-16 08:59:20:384 1412 1194 Agent * Criteria = "IsHidden=0 and
IsInstalled=0 and DeploymentAction='Installation' and IsAssigned=1 or
IsHidden=0 and IsPresent=1 and DeploymentAction='Uninstallation' and
IsAssigned=1 or IsHidden=0 and IsInstalled=1 and
DeploymentAction='Installation' and IsAssigned=1 and RebootRequired=1 or
IsHidden=0 and IsInstalled=0 and DeploymentAction='Uninstallation' and
IsAssigned=1 and RebootRequired=1"
2009-10-16 08:59:20:384 1412 1194 Agent * ServiceID =
{9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77} Windows Update
2009-10-16 08:59:20:384 1412 1194 Agent * Search Scope = {Machine}
2009-10-16 08:59:24:240 1412 1194 Agent * Found 0 updates and 13
categories in search; evaluated appl. rules of 202 out of 598 deployed
2009-10-16 08:59:24:871 1412 1194 Agent *********
2009-10-16 08:59:24:871 1412 1194 Agent ** END ** Agent: Finding
updates [CallerId = AutomaticUpdates]
2009-10-16 08:59:24:871 1412 1194 Agent *************
2009-10-16 08:59:24:881 1412 1194 Report REPORT EVENT:
{00EC0EAB-A3A8-438D-8B70-5813E75BCAFE} 2009-10-16
08:59:17:911+0200 1 202 102
{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 0 AutomaticUpdates Success
Content Install Reboot completed.
2009-10-16 08:59:24:881 1412 1778 AU >>## RESUMED ## AU: Search for
updates [CallId = {EEEB7A8D-8367-456E-95E5-45450479B333}]
2009-10-16 08:59:24:881 1412 1778 AU # 0 updates detected
2009-10-16 08:59:24:881 1412 1778 AU #########
2009-10-16 08:59:24:881 1412 1778 AU ## END ## AU: Search for updates
[CallId = {EEEB7A8D-8367-456E-95E5-45450479B333}]
2009-10-16 08:59:24:881 1412 1778 AU #############
2009-10-16 08:59:24:881 1412 1778 AU Featured notifications is disabled.
2009-10-16 08:59:31:190 1412 1530 AU ########### AU: Uninitializing
Automatic Updates ###########
2009-10-16 08:59:31:320 1412 1530 Service *********
2009-10-16 08:59:31:320 1412 1530 Service ** END ** Service: Service
exit [Exit code = 0x240001]
2009-10-16 08:59:31:320 1412 1530 Service *************
2009-10-16 09:00:56:150 1424 71c Misc =========== Logging initialized
(build: 7.4.7600.226, tz: +0200) ===========
2009-10-16 09:00:56:170 1424 71c Misc = Process:
2009-10-16 09:00:56:200 1424 71c Misc = Module:
2009-10-16 09:00:56:150 1424 71c Service *************
2009-10-16 09:00:56:200 1424 71c Service ** START ** Service: Service
2009-10-16 09:00:56:200 1424 71c Service *********
2009-10-16 09:00:56:340 1424 71c Agent * WU client version 7.4.7600.226
2009-10-16 09:00:56:400 1424 71c Agent * Base directory:
2009-10-16 09:00:56:420 1424 71c Agent * Access type: No proxy
2009-10-16 09:00:56:420 1424 71c Agent * Network state: Connected
2009-10-16 09:01:42:796 1424 71c Agent *********** Agent: Initializing
Windows Update Agent ***********
2009-10-16 09:01:42:796 1424 71c Agent *********** Agent: Initializing
global settings cache ***********
2009-10-16 09:01:42:796 1424 71c Agent * WSUS server: <NULL>
2009-10-16 09:01:42:796 1424 71c Agent * WSUS status server: <NULL>
2009-10-16 09:01:42:796 1424 71c Agent * Target group: (Unassigned
2009-10-16 09:01:42:796 1424 71c Agent * Windows Update access
disabled: No
2009-10-16 09:01:42:836 1424 71c DnldMgr Download manager restoring 0
2009-10-16 09:01:42:956 1424 71c AU ########### AU: Initializing
Automatic Updates ###########
2009-10-16 09:01:42:956 1424 71c AU AU setting next sqm report timeout
to 2009-10-16 07:01:42
2009-10-16 09:01:42:966 1424 71c AU # Approval type: Scheduled (User
2009-10-16 09:01:42:966 1424 71c AU # Scheduled install day/time:
Every day at 3:00
2009-10-16 09:01:42:966 1424 71c AU # Auto-install minor updates: Yes
(User preference)
2009-10-16 09:01:43:006 1424 71c AU Setting AU scheduled install time to
2009-10-17 01:00:00
2009-10-16 09:01:43:006 1424 71c AU Initializing featured updates
2009-10-16 09:01:43:006 1424 71c AU Found 0 cached featured updates
2009-10-16 09:01:44:882 1424 71c Report *********** Report:
Initializing static reporting data ***********
2009-10-16 09:01:44:882 1424 71c Report * OS Version = 5.1.2600.3.0.65792
2009-10-16 09:01:44:912 1424 71c Report * Computer Brand = IBM
2009-10-16 09:01:44:912 1424 71c Report * Computer Model = 2887K2G
2009-10-16 09:01:44:912 1424 71c Report * Bios Revision = 1VET64WW (1.22 )
2009-10-16 09:01:44:912 1424 71c Report * Bios Name = Phoenix
FirstBIOS(tm) Notebook Pro Version 2.0 for IBM ThinkPad
2009-10-16 09:01:44:912 1424 71c Report * Bios Release Date =
2009-10-16 09:01:44:912 1424 71c Report * Locale ID = 1044
2009-10-16 09:01:46:320 1424 71c AU AU finished delayed initialization
2009-10-16 09:01:46:320 1424 71c AU #############
2009-10-16 09:01:46:320 1424 71c AU ## START ## AU: Search for updates
2009-10-16 09:01:46:320 1424 71c AU #########
2009-10-16 09:01:46:320 1424 71c AU <<## SUBMITTED ## AU: Search for
updates [CallId = {6F2C8350-DEA0-4AB9-A637-A8B40F652457}]
2009-10-16 09:01:57:249 1424 9c0 Report REPORT EVENT:
{C5D686FD-BEC8-41AC-A988-0073EF7E12F2} 2009-10-16
09:01:43:016+0200 1 202 102
{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 0 AutomaticUpdates Success
Content Install Reboot completed.
2009-10-16 09:01:57:249 1424 9c0 Agent *************
2009-10-16 09:01:57:249 1424 9c0 Agent ** START ** Agent: Finding
updates [CallerId = AutomaticUpdates]
2009-10-16 09:01:57:249 1424 9c0 Agent *********
2009-10-16 09:01:57:249 1424 9c0 Agent * Online = No; Ignore download
priority = No
2009-10-16 09:01:57:249 1424 9c0 Agent * Criteria = "IsHidden=0 and
IsInstalled=0 and DeploymentAction='Installation' and IsAssigned=1 or
IsHidden=0 and IsPresent=1 and DeploymentAction='Uninstallation' and
IsAssigned=1 or IsHidden=0 and IsInstalled=1 and
DeploymentAction='Installation' and IsAssigned=1 and RebootRequired=1 or
IsHidden=0 and IsInstalled=0 and DeploymentAction='Uninstallation' and
IsAssigned=1 and RebootRequired=1"
2009-10-16 09:01:57:249 1424 9c0 Agent * ServiceID =
{9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77} Windows Update
2009-10-16 09:01:57:249 1424 9c0 Agent * Search Scope = {Machine}
2009-10-16 09:02:29:239 1424 9c0 Agent * Found 0 updates and 13
categories in search; evaluated appl. rules of 202 out of 598 deployed
2009-10-16 09:02:31:096 1424 9c0 Agent *********
2009-10-16 09:02:31:096 1424 9c0 Agent ** END ** Agent: Finding
updates [CallerId = AutomaticUpdates]
2009-10-16 09:02:31:096 1424 9c0 Agent *************
2009-10-16 09:02:31:106 1424 b1c AU >>## RESUMED ## AU: Search for
updates [CallId = {6F2C8350-DEA0-4AB9-A637-A8B40F652457}]
2009-10-16 09:02:31:106 1424 b1c AU # 0 updates detected
2009-10-16 09:02:31:106 1424 b1c AU #########
2009-10-16 09:02:31:106 1424 b1c AU ## END ## AU: Search for updates
[CallId = {6F2C8350-DEA0-4AB9-A637-A8B40F652457}]
2009-10-16 09:02:31:106 1424 b1c AU #############
2009-10-16 09:02:31:106 1424 b1c AU Featured notifications is disabled.
2009-10-16 09:02:31:106 1424 b1c AU Setting AU scheduled install time to
2009-10-17 01:00:00
2009-10-16 09:03:03:036 1424 7f0 AU Triggering AU detection through
DetectNow API
2009-10-16 09:03:03:056 1424 7f0 AU Triggering Online detection
2009-10-16 09:03:03:096 1424 71c AU #############
2009-10-16 09:03:03:096 1424 71c AU ## START ## AU: Search for updates
2009-10-16 09:03:03:096 1424 71c AU #########
2009-10-16 09:03:03:096 1424 71c AU <<## SUBMITTED ## AU: Search for
updates [CallId = {585814F0-7A11-4D5F-BC88-8E0D497D28E7}]
2009-10-16 09:03:03:096 1424 9c0 Agent *************
2009-10-16 09:03:03:116 1424 9c0 Agent ** START ** Agent: Finding
updates [CallerId = AutomaticUpdates]
2009-10-16 09:03:03:116 1424 9c0 Agent *********
2009-10-16 09:03:03:116 1424 9c0 Agent * Online = Yes; Ignore download
priority = No
2009-10-16 09:03:03:116 1424 9c0 Agent * Criteria = "IsHidden=0 and
IsInstalled=0 and DeploymentAction='Installation' and IsAssigned=1 or
IsHidden=0 and IsPresent=1 and DeploymentAction='Uninstallation' and
IsAssigned=1 or IsHidden=0 and IsInstalled=1 and
DeploymentAction='Installation' and IsAssigned=1 and RebootRequired=1 or
IsHidden=0 and IsInstalled=0 and DeploymentAction='Uninstallation' and
IsAssigned=1 and RebootRequired=1"
2009-10-16 09:03:03:116 1424 9c0 Agent * ServiceID =
{9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77} Windows Update
2009-10-16 09:03:03:116 1424 9c0 Agent * Search Scope = {Machine}
2009-10-16 09:03:03:285 1424 9c0 Misc Validating signature for
2009-10-16 09:03:03:385 1424 9c0 Misc Microsoft signed: Yes
2009-10-16 09:03:03:635 1424 9c0 Misc Validating signature for
2009-10-16 09:03:03:645 1424 9c0 Misc Microsoft signed: Yes
2009-10-16 09:03:03:735 1424 9c0 Misc Validating signature for
2009-10-16 09:03:03:775 1424 9c0 Misc Microsoft signed: Yes
2009-10-16 09:03:04:353 1424 9c0 Misc Validating signature for
2009-10-16 09:03:04:363 1424 9c0 Misc Microsoft signed: Yes
2009-10-16 09:03:04:753 1424 9c0 Misc Validating signature for
2009-10-16 09:03:04:753 1424 9c0 Misc Microsoft signed: Yes
2009-10-16 09:03:04:763 1424 9c0 Setup *********** Setup: Checking
whether self-update is required ***********
2009-10-16 09:03:04:763 1424 9c0 Setup * Inf file:
2009-10-16 09:03:04:813 1424 9c0 Setup Update NOT required for
C:\WINDOWS\system32\cdm.dll: target version = 7.4.7600.226, required
version = 7.4.7600.226
2009-10-16 09:03:04:902 1424 9c0 Setup Update NOT required for
C:\WINDOWS\system32\wuapi.dll: target version = 7.4.7600.226, required
version = 7.4.7600.226
2009-10-16 09:03:04:932 1424 9c0 Setup Update NOT required for
C:\WINDOWS\system32\wuapi.dll.mui: target version = 7.4.7600.226,
required version = 7.4.7600.226
2009-10-16 09:03:04:932 1424 9c0 Setup Update NOT required for
C:\WINDOWS\system32\wuauclt.exe: target version = 7.4.7600.226, required
version = 7.4.7600.226
2009-10-16 09:03:04:932 1424 9c0 Setup Update NOT required for
C:\WINDOWS\system32\wuaucpl.cpl: target version = 7.4.7600.226, required
version = 7.4.7600.226
2009-10-16 09:03:04:942 1424 9c0 Setup Update NOT required for
C:\WINDOWS\system32\wuaucpl.cpl.mui: target version = 7.4.7600.226,
required version = 7.4.7600.226
2009-10-16 09:03:04:942 1424 9c0 Setup Update NOT required for
C:\WINDOWS\system32\wuaueng.dll: target version = 7.4.7600.226, required
version = 7.4.7600.226
2009-10-16 09:03:04:952 1424 9c0 Setup Update NOT required for
C:\WINDOWS\system32\wuaueng.dll.mui: target version = 7.4.7600.226,
required version = 7.4.7600.226
2009-10-16 09:03:04:952 1424 9c0 Setup Update NOT required for
C:\WINDOWS\system32\wucltui.dll: target version = 7.4.7600.226, required
version = 7.4.7600.226
2009-10-16 09:03:04:962 1424 9c0 Setup Update NOT required for
C:\WINDOWS\system32\wucltui.dll.mui: target version = 7.4.7600.226,
required version = 7.4.7600.226
2009-10-16 09:03:04:962 1424 9c0 Setup Update NOT required for
C:\WINDOWS\system32\wups.dll: target version = 7.4.7600.226, required
version = 7.4.7600.226
2009-10-16 09:03:04:962 1424 9c0 Setup Update NOT required for
C:\WINDOWS\system32\wups2.dll: target version = 7.4.7600.226, required
version = 7.4.7600.226
2009-10-16 09:03:04:992 1424 9c0 Setup Update NOT required for
C:\WINDOWS\system32\wuweb.dll: target version = 7.4.7600.226, required
version = 7.4.7600.226
2009-10-16 09:03:04:992 1424 9c0 Setup * IsUpdateRequired = No
2009-10-16 09:03:05:641 1424 9c0 Misc Validating signature for
2009-10-16 09:03:05:661 1424 9c0 Misc Microsoft signed: Yes
2009-10-16 09:03:05:721 1424 9c0 Misc Validating signature for
2009-10-16 09:03:05:731 1424 9c0 Misc Microsoft signed: Yes
2009-10-16 09:03:05:781 1424 9c0 PT +++++++++++ PT: Synchronizing
server updates +++++++++++
2009-10-16 09:03:05:801 1424 9c0 PT + ServiceId =
{9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77}, Server URL =
2009-10-16 09:03:05:821 1424 9c0 PT WARNING: PTWarn: Anonymous plug-in
skipped for WU
2009-10-16 09:03:10:751 1424 9c0 Agent * Found 0 updates and 13
categories in search; evaluated appl. rules of 316 out of 598 deployed
2009-10-16 09:03:11:490 1424 9c0 Agent *********
2009-10-16 09:03:11:490 1424 9c0 Agent ** END ** Agent: Finding
updates [CallerId = AutomaticUpdates]
2009-10-16 09:03:11:490 1424 9c0 Agent *************
2009-10-16 09:03:11:490 1424 b1c AU >>## RESUMED ## AU: Search for
updates [CallId = {585814F0-7A11-4D5F-BC88-8E0D497D28E7}]
2009-10-16 09:03:11:490 1424 b1c AU # 0 updates detected
2009-10-16 09:03:11:490 1424 b1c AU #########
2009-10-16 09:03:11:490 1424 b1c AU ## END ## AU: Search for updates
[CallId = {585814F0-7A11-4D5F-BC88-8E0D497D28E7}]
2009-10-16 09:03:11:490 1424 b1c AU #############
2009-10-16 09:03:11:490 1424 b1c AU Featured notifications is disabled.
2009-10-16 09:03:11:500 1424 b1c AU AU setting next detection timeout to
2009-10-17 02:09:31
2009-10-16 09:03:11:500 1424 b1c AU Setting AU scheduled install time to
2009-10-17 01:00:00
2009-10-16 09:03:16:471 1424 9c0 Report REPORT EVENT:
{E5BE1A92-4177-4D00-8C4C-79F23B32E530} 2009-10-16
09:03:11:480+0200 1 147 101
{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 0 AutomaticUpdates Success
Software Synchronization Windows Update Client successfully detected 0
2009-10-16 09:07:11:589 1424 7cc AU AU found 0 updates for install at
2009-10-16 09:07:11:609 3264 d3c Misc =========== Logging initialized
(build: 7.4.7600.226, tz: +0200) ===========
2009-10-16 09:07:11:609 3264 d3c Misc = Process: C:\WINDOWS\Explorer.EXE
2009-10-16 09:07:11:609 3264 d3c Misc = Module:
2009-10-16 09:07:11:609 3264 d3c Shutdwn Install at shutdown: no updates
to install
2009-10-16 09:07:31:308 1424 71c AU ########### AU: Uninitializing
Automatic Updates ###########
2009-10-16 09:07:33:981 1424 71c Service *********
2009-10-16 09:07:34:913 1424 71c Service ** END ** Service: Service
exit [Exit code = 0x240001]
2009-10-16 09:07:34:913 1424 71c Service *************
2009-10-16 09:08:58:215 1412 294 Misc =========== Logging initialized
(build: 7.4.7600.226, tz: +0200) ===========
2009-10-16 09:08:58:235 1412 294 Misc = Process:
2009-10-16 09:08:58:295 1412 294 Misc = Module:
2009-10-16 09:08:58:215 1412 294 Service *************
2009-10-16 09:08:58:295 1412 294 Service ** START ** Service: Service
2009-10-16 09:08:58:295 1412 294 Service *********
2009-10-16 09:08:58:326 1412 294 Agent * WU client version 7.4.7600.226
2009-10-16 09:08:58:396 1412 294 Agent * Base directory:
2009-10-16 09:08:58:436 1412 294 Agent * Access type: No proxy
2009-10-16 09:08:58:436 1412 294 Agent * Network state: Connected
2009-10-16 09:09:44:966 1412 294 Agent *********** Agent: Initializing
Windows Update Agent ***********
2009-10-16 09:09:44:966 1412 294 Agent *********** Agent: Initializing
global settings cache ***********
2009-10-16 09:09:44:966 1412 294 Agent * WSUS server: <NULL>
2009-10-16 09:09:44:966 1412 294 Agent * WSUS status server: <NULL>
2009-10-16 09:09:44:966 1412 294 Agent * Target group: (Unassigned
2009-10-16 09:09:44:966 1412 294 Agent * Windows Update access
disabled: No
2009-10-16 09:09:45:016 1412 294 DnldMgr Download manager restoring 0
2009-10-16 09:09:45:036 1412 294 AU ########### AU: Initializing
Automatic Updates ###########
2009-10-16 09:09:45:036 1412 294 AU AU setting next sqm report timeout
to 2009-10-16 07:09:45
2009-10-16 09:09:45:036 1412 294 AU # Approval type: Scheduled (User
2009-10-16 09:09:45:036 1412 294 AU # Scheduled install day/time:
Every day at 3:00
2009-10-16 09:09:45:036 1412 294 AU # Auto-install minor updates: Yes
(User preference)
2009-10-16 09:09:45:066 1412 294 AU Setting AU scheduled install time to
2009-10-17 01:00:00
2009-10-16 09:09:45:066 1412 294 AU Initializing featured updates
2009-10-16 09:09:45:066 1412 294 AU Found 0 cached featured updates
2009-10-16 09:09:47:577 1412 294 Report *********** Report:
Initializing static reporting data ***********
2009-10-16 09:09:47:577 1412 294 Report * OS Version = 5.1.2600.3.0.65792
2009-10-16 09:09:47:646 1412 294 Report * Computer Brand = IBM
2009-10-16 09:09:47:646 1412 294 Report * Computer Model = 2887K2G
2009-10-16 09:09:47:656 1412 294 Report * Bios Revision = 1VET64WW (1.22 )
2009-10-16 09:09:47:656 1412 294 Report * Bios Name = Phoenix
FirstBIOS(tm) Notebook Pro Version 2.0 for IBM ThinkPad
2009-10-16 09:09:47:656 1412 294 Report * Bios Release Date =
2009-10-16 09:09:47:656 1412 294 Report * Locale ID = 1044
2009-10-16 09:09:49:071 1412 294 AU AU finished delayed initialization
2009-10-16 09:09:49:071 1412 294 AU #############
2009-10-16 09:09:49:071 1412 294 AU ## START ## AU: Search for updates
2009-10-16 09:09:49:071 1412 294 AU #########
2009-10-16 09:09:49:081 1412 294 AU <<## SUBMITTED ## AU: Search for
updates [CallId = {DC03C949-61DD-4D72-88FF-6D754FB4B06F}]
2009-10-16 09:09:56:743 1412 ae8 Report REPORT EVENT:
{DE4F4654-B8AB-4903-9B72-318836595B1B} 2009-10-16
09:09:45:066+0200 1 202 102
{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 0 AutomaticUpdates Success
Content Install Reboot completed.
2009-10-16 09:09:56:743 1412 ae8 Agent *************
2009-10-16 09:09:56:743 1412 ae8 Agent ** START ** Agent: Finding
updates [CallerId = AutomaticUpdates]
2009-10-16 09:09:56:743 1412 ae8 Agent *********
2009-10-16 09:09:56:743 1412 ae8 Agent * Online = No; Ignore download
priority = No
2009-10-16 09:09:56:743 1412 ae8 Agent * Criteria = "IsHidden=0 and
IsInstalled=0 and DeploymentAction='Installation' and IsAssigned=1 or
IsHidden=0 and IsPresent=1 and DeploymentAction='Uninstallation' and
IsAssigned=1 or IsHidden=0 and IsInstalled=1 and
DeploymentAction='Installation' and IsAssigned=1 and RebootRequired=1 or
IsHidden=0 and IsInstalled=0 and DeploymentAction='Uninstallation' and
IsAssigned=1 and RebootRequired=1"
2009-10-16 09:09:56:743 1412 ae8 Agent * ServiceID =
{9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77} Windows Update
2009-10-16 09:09:56:743 1412 ae8 Agent * Search Scope = {Machine}
2009-10-16 09:10:15:534 1412 ae8 Agent * Found 0 updates and 13
categories in search; evaluated appl. rules of 202 out of 598 deployed
2009-10-16 09:10:16:411 1412 ae8 Agent *********
2009-10-16 09:10:16:411 1412 ae8 Agent ** END ** Agent: Finding
updates [CallerId = AutomaticUpdates]
2009-10-16 09:10:16:431 1412 ae8 Agent *************
2009-10-16 09:10:16:451 1412 888 AU >>## RESUMED ## AU: Search for
updates [CallId = {DC03C949-61DD-4D72-88FF-6D754FB4B06F}]
2009-10-16 09:10:16:451 1412 888 AU # 0 updates detected
2009-10-16 09:10:16:451 1412 888 AU #########
2009-10-16 09:10:16:451 1412 888 AU ## END ## AU: Search for updates
[CallId = {DC03C949-61DD-4D72-88FF-6D754FB4B06F}]
2009-10-16 09:10:16:471 1412 888 AU #############
2009-10-16 09:10:16:471 1412 888 AU Featured notifications is disabled.
2009-10-16 09:10:16:471 1412 888 AU Setting AU scheduled install time to
2009-10-17 01:00:00
2009-10-16 09:31:34:963 1412 898 AU Triggering AU detection through
DetectNow API
2009-10-16 09:31:34:963 1412 898 AU Triggering Online detection
2009-10-16 09:31:34:973 1412 294 AU #############
2009-10-16 09:31:34:973 1412 294 AU ## START ## AU: Search for updates
2009-10-16 09:31:34:973 1412 294 AU #########
2009-10-16 09:31:34:973 1412 294 AU <<## SUBMITTED ## AU: Search for
updates [CallId = {0036CCF5-DB77-4733-81F0-03594F991296}]
2009-10-16 09:31:34:973 1412 157c Agent *************
2009-10-16 09:31:34:973 1412 157c Agent ** START ** Agent: Finding
updates [CallerId = AutomaticUpdates]
2009-10-16 09:31:34:973 1412 157c Agent *********
2009-10-16 09:31:34:973 1412 157c Agent * Online = Yes; Ignore
download priority = No
2009-10-16 09:31:34:973 1412 157c Agent * Criteria = "IsHidden=0 and
IsInstalled=0 and DeploymentAction='Installation' and IsAssigned=1 or
IsHidden=0 and IsPresent=1 and DeploymentAction='Uninstallation' and
IsAssigned=1 or IsHidden=0 and IsInstalled=1 and
DeploymentAction='Installation' and IsAssigned=1 and RebootRequired=1 or
IsHidden=0 and IsInstalled=0 and DeploymentAction='Uninstallation' and
IsAssigned=1 and RebootRequired=1"
2009-10-16 09:31:34:973 1412 157c Agent * ServiceID =
{9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77} Windows Update
2009-10-16 09:31:34:973 1412 157c Agent * Search Scope = {Machine}
2009-10-16 09:31:35:664 1412 157c Misc Validating signature for
2009-10-16 09:31:35:724 1412 157c Misc Microsoft signed: Yes
2009-10-16 09:31:35:825 1412 157c Misc Validating signature for
2009-10-16 09:31:35:845 1412 157c Misc Microsoft signed: Yes
2009-10-16 09:31:35:875 1412 157c Misc Validating signature for
2009-10-16 09:31:35:915 1412 157c Misc Microsoft signed: Yes
2009-10-16 09:31:36:155 1412 157c Misc Validating signature for
2009-10-16 09:31:36:165 1412 157c Misc Microsoft signed: Yes
2009-10-16 09:31:36:345 1412 157c Misc Validating signature for
2009-10-16 09:31:36:365 1412 157c Misc Microsoft signed: Yes
2009-10-16 09:31:36:375 1412 157c Setup *********** Setup: Checking
whether self-update is required ***********
2009-10-16 09:31:36:375 1412 157c Setup * Inf file:
2009-10-16 09:31:36:415 1412 157c Setup Update NOT required for
C:\WINDOWS\system32\cdm.dll: target version = 7.4.7600.226, required
version = 7.4.7600.226
2009-10-16 09:31:36:435 1412 157c Setup Update NOT required for
C:\WINDOWS\system32\wuapi.dll: target version = 7.4.7600.226, required
version = 7.4.7600.226
2009-10-16 09:31:36:445 1412 157c Setup Update NOT required for
C:\WINDOWS\system32\wuapi.dll.mui: target version = 7.4.7600.226,
required version = 7.4.7600.226
2009-10-16 09:31:36:455 1412 157c Setup Update NOT required for
C:\WINDOWS\system32\wuauclt.exe: target version = 7.4.7600.226, required
version = 7.4.7600.226
2009-10-16 09:31:36:455 1412 157c Setup Update NOT required for
C:\WINDOWS\system32\wuaucpl.cpl: target version = 7.4.7600.226, required
version = 7.4.7600.226
2009-10-16 09:31:36:455 1412 157c Setup Update NOT required for
C:\WINDOWS\system32\wuaucpl.cpl.mui: target version = 7.4.7600.226,
required version = 7.4.7600.226
2009-10-16 09:31:36:455 1412 157c Setup Update NOT required for
C:\WINDOWS\system32\wuaueng.dll: target version = 7.4.7600.226, required
version = 7.4.7600.226
2009-10-16 09:31:36:465 1412 157c Setup Update NOT required for
C:\WINDOWS\system32\wuaueng.dll.mui: target version = 7.4.7600.226,
required version = 7.4.7600.226
2009-10-16 09:31:36:465 1412 157c Setup Update NOT required for
C:\WINDOWS\system32\wucltui.dll: target version = 7.4.7600.226, required
version = 7.4.7600.226
2009-10-16 09:31:36:465 1412 157c Setup Update NOT required for
C:\WINDOWS\system32\wucltui.dll.mui: target version = 7.4.7600.226,
required version = 7.4.7600.226
2009-10-16 09:31:36:465 1412 157c Setup Update NOT required for
C:\WINDOWS\system32\wups.dll: target version = 7.4.7600.226, required
version = 7.4.7600.226
2009-10-16 09:31:36:465 1412 157c Setup Update NOT required for
C:\WINDOWS\system32\wups2.dll: target version = 7.4.7600.226, required
version = 7.4.7600.226
2009-10-16 09:31:36:506 1412 157c Setup Update NOT required for
C:\WINDOWS\system32\wuweb.dll: target version = 7.4.7600.226, required
version = 7.4.7600.226
2009-10-16 09:31:36:506 1412 157c Setup * IsUpdateRequired = No
2009-10-16 09:31:39:780 1412 8e0 AU Triggering AU detection through
DetectNow API
2009-10-16 09:31:39:780 1412 8e0 AU Piggybacking on an AU detection
already in progress
2009-10-16 09:31:40:011 1412 157c Misc Validating signature for
2009-10-16 09:31:40:011 1412 157c Misc Microsoft signed: Yes
2009-10-16 09:31:40:051 1412 157c Misc Validating signature for
2009-10-16 09:31:40:061 1412 157c Misc Microsoft signed: Yes
2009-10-16 09:31:40:071 1412 157c PT +++++++++++ PT: Synchronizing
server updates +++++++++++
2009-10-16 09:31:40:081 1412 157c PT + ServiceId =
{9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77}, Server URL =
2009-10-16 09:31:47:892 1412 157c Agent * Found 0 updates and 13
categories in search; evaluated appl. rules of 316 out of 598 deployed
2009-10-16 09:31:48:483 1412 157c Agent *********
2009-10-16 09:31:48:483 1412 157c Agent ** END ** Agent: Finding
updates [CallerId = AutomaticUpdates]
2009-10-16 09:31:48:483 1412 157c Agent *************
2009-10-16 09:31:48:483 1412 11d4 AU >>## RESUMED ## AU: Search for
updates [CallId = {0036CCF5-DB77-4733-81F0-03594F991296}]
2009-10-16 09:31:48:483 1412 11d4 AU # 0 updates detected
2009-10-16 09:31:48:483 1412 11d4 AU #########
2009-10-16 09:31:48:493 1412 11d4 AU ## END ## AU: Search for updates
[CallId = {0036CCF5-DB77-4733-81F0-03594F991296}]
2009-10-16 09:31:48:493 1412 11d4 AU #############
2009-10-16 09:31:48:493 1412 11d4 AU Featured notifications is disabled.
2009-10-16 09:31:48:493 1412 11d4 AU AU setting next detection timeout
to 2009-10-17 05:29:54
2009-10-16 09:31:48:493 1412 11d4 AU Setting AU scheduled install time
to 2009-10-17 01:00:00
2009-10-16 09:31:53:490 1412 157c Report REPORT EVENT:
{96FB8289-C1F7-4C2D-BC1C-FB0FB1A24A32} 2009-10-16
09:31:48:483+0200 1 147 101
{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 0 AutomaticUpdates Success
Software Synchronization Windows Update Client successfully detected 0
Lawrence Garvin [MVP]
2009-10-16 13:49:01 UTC
Post by Jake
I ran rsop.msc on the client and it shows that my WSUS GPO is properly
applied with the correct servername.
However the windowsupdates.log file shows WSUS server name is <null>.
The second statement contradicts the first.
Post by Jake
2009-10-16 08:59:17:810 1412 7e8 Agent *********** Agent: Initializing
global settings cache ***********
2009-10-16 08:59:17:810 1412 7e8 Agent * WSUS server: <NULL>
2009-10-16 08:59:17:810 1412 7e8 Agent * WSUS status server: <NULL>
And the log confirms.

I'd guess that you have a second policy object that's overriding the
settings from the one you think is being applied.
Post by Jake
{9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77}, Server URL =
This machine scanned against AU/MU, not your WSUS Server.
Lawrence Garvin, M.S., MCITP:EA, MCDBA
Principal/CTO, Onsite Technology Solutions, Houston, Texas
Microsoft MVP - Software Distribution (2005-2009)

My Blog: http://onsitechsolutions.spaces.live.com
Microsoft WSUS Website: http://www.microsoft.com/wsus
My MVP Profile: http://mvp.support.microsoft.com/profile/Lawrence.Garvin
State of MN
2009-10-16 18:36:20 UTC
In article <#***@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl>, ***@gmail.com
Post by Jake
We have a WSUS 3 server serving 60 clients. Everything is working fine,
except: One of these clients have not reported for a couple of weeks.
This happens to some of our clients as well. What I end up doing is
removing the existing Group Policies and reapplying.

Hope this helps.
2016-11-22 13:47:09 UTC
If the WSUS server ends up with a NULL value in windowsupdate.log, make sure that it's properly set in the registry:


(values are type Reg_SZ)


Hope this helps
