Post by JohnPost by Lawrence Garvin [MVP]Call 1-800-PCSECURITY and report your problems... because you just might
be the only person trying to install this MPEG Layer-3 Codec Security
Patch on a Windows 2000 machine. It's quite possible that the metadata is
defective and not properly detecting the installation state on Windows
2000. Somebody needs to report it to get it fixed .. and today you're the
lucky soul. :-)
Not sure what you meant above but I suppose you're saying I could be the
only one supporting a legacy OS (Win2k)?
No.. unfortunately there are a lot of organizations still using Win2000Pro.
It's a good, stable, OS if you simply need a business computing platform. My
point went to the number of people that would actually care about MPEG-3
codecs on a Windows 2000 system. ;-)
Post by JohnIs Windows 2000 out of support now?
Well, Mainstream Support ended eons ago (June '05 to be specific). . .
Security Updates will still be provided until July.
Post by JohnIf so, why am I still seeing Windows 2000 related updates in my WSUS
Actually, you're only seeing *security* updates, because Security Updates
are provided for 10 years after the release of an OS. (Non-security updates
and general product support are only provided for five years.)
Post by JohnBtw, I still have several Win9x PCs and a DOS 6.x machine here. Don't ask
(and don't laugh either).
Yeah... I won't laugh.. but I'd hope they don't have Internet access --
those machines are walking time bombs if they do!
Post by JohnPost by Lawrence Garvin [MVP]L3codeca.acm
File Version:
File Size: 307,260
File Date: 21-Jan-2010 19:48
Size: 275,968 bytes
Date: July 01, 1999
That's why it continued to be detected as needed.
Post by JohnC:\WINNT\SoftwareDistribution\Download\[alphanumeric chars]\wm9
to C:\WINNT\System32 folder
It has stopped asking to install KB977816 since yesterday afternoon. PC
has reported back to WSUS earlier today but KB977816 patch doesn't come
back as needed.
Yep, sometimes that's all it takes. Just replace the file that needs to be
replaced. :-)
Now the question is: Was the failure to update the L3codeca.acm file a
transient defect on that one machine, or is the package defective and will
this problem recur on multiple Win2000 systems. Time will tell.
Lawrence Garvin, M.S., MCITP:EA, MCDBA, MCSA
Principal/CTO, Onsite Technology Solutions, Houston, Texas
Microsoft MVP - Software Distribution (2005-2010)
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