But you miss the point that once the /legacy/ clients are updated, the
subsequent selfupdate will happen from the /home/ WSUS virtual server.. not
from a kludge applied to the port 80 server because of limitations in the
old AU client.
In fact, now that MBSA v2 is released, and the WindowsUpdateAgent20-x86.exe
package is available, there really is /no/ reason to continue to maintain
selfupdate on a port 80 virtual server if WSUS is installed on an alternate
Post by Asher NPost by Lawrence GarvinYes.. it does require port 80 -- at least until the organization gets
to a point that it will never have a downlevel AU/WUA client
That'll never happen, as the client is bound to change in the future.
Post by Lawrence GarvinAnother option to explore, but the actual occurrences of this have
been fairly sparse.. is to configure WSUS on a host header. This would
allow you to configure a dedicated port 80 virtual server exclusively
for WSUS that would not interfere with the ePO running under the
Post by JeffGBut I believe that WSUS still requires port 80 for the selfupdate
process, no matter what port you actually install WSUS on...
On Wed, 20 Jul 2005 06:22:35 -0700, "Asher_N"
Post by Asher_NPost by Dan OveresI have been doing more checking, and (of course!) our ePO server is
configured to do all of its Agent-to-Server communication over Port
80 which WSUS needs. I'd really like to avoid having to reinstall
ePO just to change the port.
Did you have this issue or was your ePO running on a different port
which made it a non-issue?
Post by Jason EdeWe've got WSuS running on an EPO server. It runs ok, but does
trigger the remote modification of files in the windows directory
when you start trying to do things with wsusadmin. However, thats
on warn only here so it doesn't stop things from working.
Otherwise it works fine.
Log on to ePO, select the server and click on the 'settings' tab. the
Agent-to-server port is one that cannot be changed. This wouold
involve reloading ePO and reloading all the agents.
Easier to load WSUS on a different port, 8530 is the alternate I believe.